Heritage and Evolution | Erik Dhont
Erik Dhont is a Landscape Architect based in Brussels, Belgium. His portfolio includes many realizations such as gardens, farmyards, urban development projects and Landscape restorations, in Belgium, Switzerland, France, Germany, California and the Azores. Erik Dhont sees Garden Design as a form of art, and he embraces it with imagination in order to give the clients a place to dream. Over the years Erik Dhont has developed a style that remains personal, distinctive and instantly recognizable. Organic shapes on paper are translated into real sculptural forms which gain their patina as time goes by and the garden matures. It is this changing sense of rhythm that flows between days, seasons and periods of life, that Dhont aims to highlight in his design.
Palestra organizada pelas professoras doutoras Cristina Castel-Branco e Sónia Talhé Azambuja, docentes de Arquitetura Paisagista do ISA/ULisboa
com o apoio da AAJBA – Associação do Amigos do Jardim Botânico da Ajuda e do Atelier ACBpaisagem
- Data: 8 de novembro de 2018, quinta-feira, às 17:00
- Local: Sala de Atos, Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade de LisboaTapada da Ajuda, Lisboa
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