English is the colloquium official language / O colóquio vai ser em língua inglesa.
Trusts and Associations for Gardens: goals and strategies In this colloquium, we gather experts who have succeeded and are committed to make gardens a good place on Earth and to help “gardenists” improve, defend and enjoy their gardens and those of their countries as a common heritage made both by Man and by Nature.
Philip White, founder and chief executive of the Hestercombe Gardens Trust and a member of the executive committee of the Institute of Garden and Landscape. Hestercombe has come a long way over the last two decades and, largely thanks to Philip White, it is now firmly on the map as one of Britain’s most important historical gardens. In 2013 Philip White was honoured with the MBE for ‘services to historic garden restoration’. He is also involved in the Parks & Gardens UK database.URL: http://www.hestercombe.com/history/philip-white/
Teresa Andresen is a Landscape Architect, graduated from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia in 1982, with a PhD in Applied Environmental Sciences from the University of Aveiro (1992). She taught at university level for 30 years, firstly teaching Landscape Architecture at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia, and from 1987, teaching at the University of Aveiro. And University of Oporto. She currently works as a landscape architecture consultant. She is a member of the Portuguese National Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development, as well as a Portuguese expert at UNESCO’s World Heritage Permanent Commission. President of the Historic Gardens of Portugal. URL: http://www.jardinshistoricos.pt/
Rosie Peddle is a gardener, transplanted from England to the Eastern Algarve since 2004. She is keenly interested in plant conservation and worked as a volunteer for many years with the National Plant Collections Scheme in the UK in the role of National Vice Chair. Currently promoting skilled, sustainable gardening and landscaping in Mediterranean climates. Rosie is a Fellow of The Linnean Society of London. She is Founding Member of the Associação de Plantas e Jardins em Climas Mediterrânicos (APEJECM)/Mediterranean Gardening Association – Portugal (MGAP). URL: http://www.mediterraneangardeningportugal.org/whoweare.html
Cristina Castel-Branco is a Landscape Architect and Professor at the Lisbon University, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Master in Landscape Architecture from Massachusetts University. Founder of Association of Friends of the Botanic Garden of Ajuda and Founder of the Historic Gardens of Portugal Association. Since 2013 President of the Scientific Board of Institut Européen des Jardins et Paysages. URL: http://europeangardens.eu/institut/le-conseil-scientifique/
Sonia Talhé Azambuja is a Landscape Architect with a PhD in History of Art (University of Lisbon), Invited Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at University of Lisbon (Instituto Superior de Agronomia) and at University of Algarve (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia). Secretary-General of the Portuguese Association of Landscape Architects (2016-2018). President of the Board of Association of Friends of the Botanic Garden of Ajuda (since 2013). URL: http://www.aajba.com/Equipa.aspx
Prices / Preços:
Member prices I Preço para associado AAJBA, APEJECM/MGAP and Students (Colloqium): 15 €
Member prices I Preço para associado AAJBA, APEJECM/MGAP and Students (Colloqium + lunch): 33 €
Normal price (Colloqium) / Preço normal (Colóquio): 18 €
Normal price (Colloqium + lunch) / Preço normal (Colóquio + almoço): 36 €
Registration and Payments / Inscrições e Pagamentos
Association of Friends of the Botanic Garden of Ajuda / Associação dos Amigos do Jardim Botânico da Ajuda (AAJBA) Mobile: telm: 915 989 259 | e-mail: info@aajba.com web: www.aajba.com
Bank transfer payment IBAN PT50 0010 0000 2468 3460 0016 6, Bank: BPI, Account name: AAJBA;
E-mail a copy of your payment to info@aajba.com
Pagamentos por transferência bancária para o IBAN PT50 0010 0000 2468 3460 0016 6, Banco BPI, titular AAJBA e envio de comprovativo para info@aajba.com
Registration is valid only after receipt of payment. / A inscrição só é valida após receção do pagamento.
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